So of course, I was super stoked and knew I had to get a fantastic band to answer my ridiculous questions!

The Score is a band based in Watertown, New York with a kickass sound and catchy choruses. They requested me as a friend on myspace yesterday morning and I couldn't be happier. Immensely friendly and down to earth, these guys are definitely a breath of fresh air from today's internet bands. They released 'Steady Fingers! Steady Fight!' EP in November and is available for download on iTunes. I don't know about you, but I know I can't wait to hear more from them. Definitely for those who like bands like Say Anything and Presidents of the United States of America.
E-Minor: So what are your names and instruments you play?
Arison Cain: My name is Arison Cain and I play guitar and sing lead vocals.
Leo Lemay: Leo LeMay - Guitar and Back-up Vocals.
Brett Ramus: Johnny cash on the lead guitar and lead vocals, Rick James on bass guitar backing vocals, The Blue Man Group on drums and an eighties hair metal band on backing guitar and backing vocals.
Mike DeMarco: ............Mike. Drum-ohs.
E-Minor: How long have you been playing together as a band?
Arison: We first started jamming almost exactly a year ago, on New Years Eve, right before the beginning of 2007. Brett and I started playing with our friend Don Robinson on the drums. It felt like something really special, like the records we listened to growing up. As time progressed, and the lineup changed and solidified into what we have now, it kept feeling more and more special like that. We knew we were in for an incredible ride from the very beginning.
Leo: I joined The Score in October 2007.
Brett: About a year.
Mike: I've been with the band since mid summer '07.
E-Minor: On your myspace, you list "a monster gnashing it's teeth on Anna Nicole's corpse" as what your music sounds like. In a no holds barred battle to the death [under different circumstances of course] would the monster or Anna Nicole win?
Arison: I think it ultimately comes down what type of monster it is and what the circumstances are. If it's a giant kind of stone golem, Zombie Anna’s probably in for a slamming.
Leo: Anna Nicole! Bitch is crazy!
Brett: Anna Nicole only because of her amazing skills with large things often referred to as “monsters”.
Mike: Probably Anna, based solely on the amount of titties that corpse had to battle with.
E-Minor: If all you need is love, what are five things you'd like to have around just incase your wrong?
Arison: An acoustic guitar, cheeseburgers, some kind of knife or blade fashioned from a strange animal’s bones, the Ultimate Ric Flair DVD set and a Johnny Cash discography.
Leo: MUSIC! - Friends - Musical Instruments - Video Games - The internet
Mike: Dark Chocolate, sex, impulse comedy, drums, and Arison.
E-Minor: Who did the cover art work for the 'Steady Fingers! Steady Fight!' EP and why did you decide on half naked wrestlers?
Arison: The cover was drawn by my good friend Kat "Kaboom!" Freeman, who is just incredibly awesome. She takes all of my retarded ideas and just runs with them so well. I've been a fan of wrestling since I was very little. This first record just felt like we were coming off the top rope and about to drop an elbow, to me. I felt it appropriate.
Leo: A friend of Arison’s. If you didn’t know, Arison is a HUGE wrestling fan so naturally the artwork for the EP would have something involving that. He also posed for the drawings, so the triumphant wrestler and the dude on his ass were both Arison.
Brett: Some well known artist from France or Paris or something. Your mom goes to college.
Mike: A girl with powers comparable to wonder boy.
E-Minor: What do you prefer: live shows or recording new music?
Arison: I love both equally. That's a lame and totally bullshit answer, but it's absolutely true. They are two completely different ladies that I love equally and often.
Leo: Live shows! The energy you can get off of the crowd and your nerves make the experience that much greater. It’s such an adrenaline rush for me and I love to entertain.
Brett: Live shows, only because in the studio you can't see the look on the other bands’ faces when they realize you are better then they are.
Mike: Live shows for sure.
E-Minor: You have incredibly catchy songs. I caught myself singing along to 'You've Got a Midlife Crisis' in the shower. How do you go about writing songs?
Arison: I wrote that song in the shower. I write a lot of songs in the shower.
Leo: Arison writes most of the songs, and you can tell he has a great new idea because he comes out of the bathroom naked (I live with Arison) and just starts ranting off these lyrics he came up with in the shower.
Brett: Well you have the first part right, they start in the shower, then they move with Arison out of the shower and into the living room. (Without a towel most of the time) Then, after a lot of snickering and giggles, and some wardrobe changes, they go to paper and then to the bassist, guitarist and drummer for instrumental tweaking. After this they go to you, the adoring fans, and then you find yourself naked in the living room singing "You've Got a Midlife Crisis".
Mike: Arison makes us robots. Arison with have a riff or and entire song mostly structured out, he then hands it over to us in rehearsal and magic is worked out.
E-Minor: How do you feel about being my very first interview on the site?
Arison: It really is an honor. Save the best for first, I always say.
Leo: That rules! It feels like an honor and a pleasure to be your first
Brett: Opportunities like these only come around every few seconds. Embrace them.
Mike: Actually really stoked.
E-Minor: What should we expect from you guys in the new year?
Arison: Look for our very first full-length record of all brand new material this year. We’re planning a whole ton of touring. This is going to be the busiest year of our young adult lives, for sure.
Leo: A ton of shows, and the new record. We should be recording soon!
Brett: I am sorry. I don't speak Spanish. But, if you were asking, “What should we expect from you guys in the new year?” We would reply with "You should expect a number one hit on the R&B charts".
Mike: You should expect a new album that will not dwarf the previous one, but a new one that will show the maturity and dynamic of the band that NOW is The Score.
E-Minor: How can people listen to your music and get in touch with you?
Arison: You can check us out on Our EP, “Steady Fingers! Steady Fight!” is available on iTunes right now, too.
The Score's "Steady Fingers! Steady Fight!" EP is well worth the five bucks. Its full of toe-tapping rhythms and humorous lyrics [and even a spoof of 'I Love Lucy'] I can almost guarantee that you'll want to get up and dance. There isn't a song on there that I don't know every word to now. The EP is full of charisma and energy which definitely rubs off on their listeners.
1 comment:
Omgosh! I love the score! You deffinately made the right choice letting them be your first interview! they're amazing! I bought their CD "Steady Fingers! Steady Fight!" from my friend Nikki at school and I fell in love with Rock Bottom and Fingers Crossed but i know all the words to all the songs! :D The score seriously rocks my socks and I can't wait for the new CD!!! Save this interview so when they're rich and famous, you can brag. :D
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